Uses of Class

Packages that use ISQLException

Uses of ISQLException in isql

Methods in isql that throw ISQLException
 WhereView IPredicate.apply()
          Returns, for each involved column, the indices (possibly repeated) of the table rows that are connected by the predicate.
 Groups GroupBy.apply(ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber values)
          Divides the result set in sets of rows, one set of rows for each group.
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber OrderBy.applyOrderBy(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.OrderBy> lstOrderByColumn, ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber valuesBefore)
          Applies the ORDER BY clause
 Groups ClausesBuilder.buildGroupBy(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.TableColumn> lstGroupByTableColumn, ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber values)
          Builds a Groups structure (containing the group by relationships) from the grammars output
 ISQLSelectParser SQLParser.buildParser(java.lang.String sql)
          builds the ANTLR parser from the sql expression
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IExpression> ClausesBuilder.buildSelect(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.SelectItem> lstSelect, ColumnValues values, Groups groups)
          Builds a map alias -> result expression from the select clause.
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber ClausesBuilder.buildViewAfterWhere(ColumnValues values, WhereView whereView)
          from the result of the where clause (where view) and the original column values builds a new set of column values
 IPredicate ClausesBuilder.buildWhere(ColumnValues valuesOriginal, ISQLSelectParser.ISearchCondition where)
          Returns the where clause in form of a predicate tree
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 void Equalizer.equalize()
          Calculates the size of the constant arrays based on the size of the other arrays
 Array Equalizer.IArrayFuture.getArray()
 ITypedValue IExpression.getResult()
          Get the result of the expression (can be a constant or an array)
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ITypedValue> ISQLQuery.query(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,InputArray> mapArrayByName)
          Queries the arrays using the SQL query
 void OrderByTest.testApplyOrderBy()
          Test method for OrderBy.applyOrderBy(java.util.List, isql.ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber).
 void SQLParserTest.testBuildParser()
          Test method for SQLParser.buildParser(java.lang.String).
 void EqualizerTest.testEqualize()
          Test method for Equalizer.equalize().

Constructors in isql that throw ISQLException
ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber(java.util.Map<ColumnKey,Array> mapValuesByColumn)

Uses of ISQLException in isql.builder

Methods in isql.builder that throw ISQLException
 IPredicate condition)
          The method to call to evaluate a whole where clause
static IComparison ComparisonBuilder.buildComparisonOperator(java.lang.String operator, boolean negated)
          Builds a class that contains the algorithm to handle a specific comparison operator (=, <>, <, >...)
 IConstant ExpressionBuilder.buildConstant(ISQLSelectParser.IConstant constant)
          Builds a constant object from an ANTLR parsed constant (t can be a numeric, text, date, boolean)
 IExpression ExpressionBuilder.buildExpression(ISQLSelectParser.IExpression expression)
          The main method to extract the expression tree from an ANTLR parsed expression.
 void WhereBuilderTest.testBuild()
          Test method for

Uses of ISQLException in isql.comparison

Methods in isql.comparison that throw ISQLException
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)
 boolean a, java.lang.Object b)

Uses of ISQLException in isql.expression

Methods in isql.expression that throw ISQLException
 boolean[] When.apply(Column test)
          Compares the column values with the given constant using the given operator,
 ITypedValue UnaryExpression.getResult()
 ITypedValue DoubleExpression.getResult()
 ITypedValue CaseExpression.getResult()
          Calculates the result of the case expression.
 ITypedValue ColumnExpressionByGroup.getResult()
 ITypedValue AggregateFunction.getResult()
 ITypedValue ConstantExpression.getResult()
 ITypedValue ColumnExpressionSimple.getResult()
 void DoubleExpressionTest.testGetResult()
          Test method for DoubleExpression.getResult().
 void CaseExpressionTest.testGetResult()
          Test method for CaseExpression.getResult().

Constructors in isql.expression that throw ISQLException
CaseExpression(Column test, IExpression expElse, java.util.List<WhenThen> lstWhenThen)
CaseExpression(Column test, IExpression expElse, java.util.List<WhenThen> lstWhenThen)

Uses of ISQLException in isql.groupby

Methods in isql.groupby that throw ISQLException
 Array Groups.getGroupByColumnValues(ColumnKey key)
          Returns an array with the rows index that are contained in the group, in the order they was found in the original set of columns

Uses of ISQLException in isql.predicate

Methods in isql.predicate that throw ISQLException
 WhereView LikePredicate.apply()
 WhereView InPredicate.apply()
          Builds the view resulting from the in predicate
 WhereView DoublePredicate.apply()
          applies the AND/OR to the predicates.
 WhereView OrPredicate.apply()
 WhereView ComparisonPredicate.apply()
          Builds the view resulting from the comparison of the two expressions
 WhereView AndPredicate.apply()
static void ComparisonPredicate.fillViewMaps(java.lang.Object[] arrA, java.lang.Object[] arrB, WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, IComparison comparison)
          Fills the views of A and B with the indices of the columns for the rows for which the comparison has success
 int WhereView.getRowsNumber()
          Since all the tables have by definition the same number of rows (possibly empty) the number of rows of the view is the same as the number of rows of the first table
 void InPredicateTest.testApply()
          Test method for InPredicate.apply().
 void ComparisonPredicateTest.testApply()
          Test method for ComparisonPredicate.apply().
 void LikePredicateTest.testApply()
          Test method for LikePredicate.apply().