Package isql.predicate

Interface Summary
DoublePredicate.IAddRow Add row to the result view only at a certain condition

Class Summary
AndPredicate It is builds a view resulting from the "AND" of two predicates in the WHERE clause
ComparisonPredicate It builds the view for a single comparison in the WHERE clause (a = b, a <> b...)
DoublePredicate Returns a view that is the result of AND-ing (or OR-ing) all the views (table rows in relation) that return from the input conditions.
DoublePredicate.AddRowAnyway Add always a row.
DoublePredicate.AddRowOnlyIfInBoth Add row to the result view only if both the views have, for that row, the same index in the merge table
DoublePredicate.AddRowOnlyIfInJustInOne Add row to the result view only if only one of the views have, for that row, a specific index in the merge table In this case the other table will have dummy values (-1) for the column indices in that row
DoublePredicate.MergeRowsAnd In case of an AND between two conditions, the views have to be merged so that only the row indices that are in both views are stored in the result view
DoublePredicate.MergeRowsOr In case of an AND between two conditions, the views have to be merged so that the result view contains the union of the rows indices of the views.
InPredicate In clause.
LikePredicate exp LIKE exp can be a column or an expression that involves table columns or a constant (which does actually not make so much sense)
OrPredicate It is builds a view resulting from the "OR" of two predicates in the WHERE clause
WhereView Contains the tables involved in a predicate (a section of the where clause) with the indices of their rows that are resulting from the predicate filter.