Uses of Interface

Packages that use IExpression

Uses of IExpression in isql

Methods in isql that return types with arguments of type IExpression
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IExpression> ClausesBuilder.buildSelect(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.SelectItem> lstSelect, ColumnValues values, Groups groups)
          Builds a map alias -> result expression from the select clause.

Uses of IExpression in isql.builder

Methods in isql.builder that return IExpression
 IExpression ExpressionBuilder.buildExpression(ISQLSelectParser.IExpression expression)
          The main method to extract the expression tree from an ANTLR parsed expression.

Uses of IExpression in isql.expression

Subinterfaces of IExpression in isql.expression
 interface ISimpleExpression
          the expressions that don't contain an operator
 interface IWhereExpression
          Expressions that can be used in a where clause (not aggregate functions, not case)

Classes in isql.expression that implement IExpression
 class AggregateFunction
          function to aggregate rows of the view (for example SUM, AVERAGE...).
 class CaseExpression
          calculates the result of a CASE-WHEN-THEN expression
 class ColumnExpressionByGroup
          A simple table-column expression.
 class ColumnExpressionSimple
          An expression composed by a single column
 class ConstantExpression
          Expression consiting of just a constant, like a number or a string
 class DoubleExpression
          The combination of two other expression through a binary operator (e.g.
 class UnaryExpression
          To evaluate an expression with an unary operator

Methods in isql.expression that return IExpression
 IExpression WhenThen.getThen()

Constructors in isql.expression with parameters of type IExpression
AggregateFunction(IExpression expression, Groups groups, AggregateType aggregateType)
CaseExpression(Column test, IExpression expElse, java.util.List<WhenThen> lstWhenThen)
DoubleExpression(IExpression a, IExpression b, IBinaryScalar operator)
UnaryExpression(IExpression expression, IUnary unary)
WhenThen(When when, IExpression then)

Uses of IExpression in isql.predicate

Methods in isql.predicate with parameters of type IExpression
static WhereView WhereView.fromExpression(IExpression exp)
          Builds a view from an expression (the expression contains the involved columns, and therefore the involved tables).

Constructors in isql.predicate with parameters of type IExpression
ComparisonPredicate(IExpression a, IExpression b, IComparison comparison)
InPredicate(IExpression toTest, IConstant[] seqIn, ColumnValues values, boolean negated)
LikePredicate(IExpression test, java.lang.String like, ColumnValues values, boolean negated)