Uses of Class

Packages that use WhereView

Uses of WhereView in isql

Methods in isql that return WhereView
 WhereView IPredicate.apply()
          Returns, for each involved column, the indices (possibly repeated) of the table rows that are connected by the predicate.

Methods in isql with parameters of type WhereView
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber ClausesBuilder.buildViewAfterWhere(ColumnValues values, WhereView whereView)
          from the result of the where clause (where view) and the original column values builds a new set of column values

Uses of WhereView in isql.predicate

Methods in isql.predicate that return WhereView
 WhereView LikePredicate.apply()
 WhereView InPredicate.apply()
          Builds the view resulting from the in predicate
 WhereView DoublePredicate.apply()
          applies the AND/OR to the predicates.
 WhereView OrPredicate.apply()
 WhereView ComparisonPredicate.apply()
          Builds the view resulting from the comparison of the two expressions
 WhereView AndPredicate.apply()
static WhereView WhereView.fromColumns(ColumnValues values)
          Builds the view from the column values.
static WhereView WhereView.fromExpression(IExpression exp)
          Builds a view from an expression (the expression contains the involved columns, and therefore the involved tables).
static WhereView WhereView.none(java.lang.String[] arrTable)
          Builds a view that, for all tables, does not contain any row index

Methods in isql.predicate with parameters of type WhereView
 void WhereView.addAll(WhereView otherView)
          Adds the content of another view to this one
 void DoublePredicate.IAddRow.addRow(WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, java.lang.String mergeTable, WhereView viewRes, int viewRowA, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lstViewRowBForMergeTableRowA)
          Adds the row index to the result view
 void DoublePredicate.AddRowOnlyIfInBoth.addRow(WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, java.lang.String mergeTable, WhereView viewRes, int viewRowA, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lstViewRowBForMergeTableRowA)
 void DoublePredicate.AddRowOnlyIfInJustInOne.addRow(WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, java.lang.String mergeTable, WhereView viewRes, int viewRowA, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lstViewRowBForMergeTableRowA)
 void DoublePredicate.AddRowAnyway.addRow(WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, java.lang.String mergeTable, WhereView viewRes, int viewRowA, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lstViewRowBForMergeTableRowA)
static void ComparisonPredicate.fillViewMaps(java.lang.Object[] arrA, java.lang.Object[] arrB, WhereView viewA, WhereView viewB, IComparison comparison)
          Fills the views of A and B with the indices of the columns for the rows for which the comparison has success
 void DoublePredicate.MergeRowsAnd.mergeRows(WhereView toFind, WhereView in, java.lang.String tableName, WhereView viewRes)
 void DoublePredicate.MergeRowsOr.mergeRows(WhereView toFind, WhereView in, java.lang.String tableName, WhereView viewRes)