Uses of Class

Packages that use ColumnKey

Uses of ColumnKey in isql

Methods in isql that return ColumnKey
static ColumnKey ColumnKey.fromString(java.lang.String s)
          Builds a ColumnKey object from a text
 ColumnKey Column.getKey()

Methods in isql that return types with arguments of type ColumnKey
 java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<ColumnKey,Array>> ColumnValues.entrySet()
          Returns the columns with their ids
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> IExpression.getInvolvedColumns()
          Returns the table columns named in the expression
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> ColumnValues.keySet()
          Returns the identifiers of the columns

Methods in isql with parameters of type ColumnKey
 int ColumnKey.compareTo(ColumnKey o)
 Array ColumnValues.get(ColumnKey key)
          Returns the array of a column

Constructors in isql with parameters of type ColumnKey
Column(ColumnKey key, Array array)

Constructor parameters in isql with type arguments of type ColumnKey
ColumnValues(java.util.Map<ColumnKey,Array> mapValuesByColumn)
ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber(java.util.Map<ColumnKey,Array> mapValuesByColumn)
GroupBy(java.util.List<ColumnKey> lstColumnKey)

Uses of ColumnKey in isql.builder

Methods in isql.builder that return ColumnKey
static ColumnKey ExpressionBuilder.buildTableColumn(ISQLSelectParser.TableColumn tableColumn)
          Builds a table column object from the column identifier coming from ANTLR

Uses of ColumnKey in isql.expression

Methods in isql.expression that return types with arguments of type ColumnKey
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> UnaryExpression.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> DoubleExpression.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> CaseExpression.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> ColumnExpressionByGroup.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> AggregateFunction.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> ConstantExpression.getInvolvedColumns()
 java.util.Set<ColumnKey> ColumnExpressionSimple.getInvolvedColumns()

Constructors in isql.expression with parameters of type ColumnKey
ColumnExpressionByGroup(ColumnKey key, Groups groups)

Uses of ColumnKey in isql.groupby

Methods in isql.groupby that return ColumnKey
 ColumnKey ColumnKeyAndType.getKey()

Methods in isql.groupby with parameters of type ColumnKey
 Array Groups.getGroupByColumnValues(ColumnKey key)
          Returns an array with the rows index that are contained in the group, in the order they was found in the original set of columns
 boolean Groups.isGroupByColumnKey(ColumnKey toTest)
          Tests if a column is a group by column, i.e.

Constructors in isql.groupby with parameters of type ColumnKey
ColumnKeyAndType(ColumnKey key, ColumnType type)

Uses of ColumnKey in isql.predicate

Method parameters in isql.predicate with type arguments of type ColumnKey
static java.lang.String[] WhereView.getTablesFromColumnKeys(java.util.Collection<ColumnKey> colKey)
          column keys identifies columns and they are composed by the table and column name.