Uses of Class

Packages that use ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber

Uses of ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber in isql

Methods in isql that return ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber OrderBy.applyOrderBy(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.OrderBy> lstOrderByColumn, ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber valuesBefore)
          Applies the ORDER BY clause
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber ClausesBuilder.buildViewAfterWhere(ColumnValues values, WhereView whereView)
          from the result of the where clause (where view) and the original column values builds a new set of column values

Methods in isql with parameters of type ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber
 Groups GroupBy.apply(ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber values)
          Divides the result set in sets of rows, one set of rows for each group.
 ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber OrderBy.applyOrderBy(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.OrderBy> lstOrderByColumn, ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber valuesBefore)
          Applies the ORDER BY clause
 Groups ClausesBuilder.buildGroupBy(java.util.List<ISQLSelectParser.TableColumn> lstGroupByTableColumn, ColumnValuesWithRowsNumber values)
          Builds a Groups structure (containing the group by relationships) from the grammars output